
g-link Link Base   


Page 1 of 10 |  |  | Total number of Links: 47
Land Category NameRating Description
dk flag

g-link CMS

Greenroad1No descriptionReport broken link...
dk flag

CMS generelt

SIMPLeX CMS2Commercial CMS based on ASP-technology.Report broken link...
us flag


WSH: Working with Special Folders2Special folders are folders that are or at least potentially can be present on all Windows computers; these include the My Documents, Fonts, and Start Menu folders.Report broken link...
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Kodning og scripts

Classic ASP FAQ2Frequently Asked Questions about Classic ASP: Lots of Q & A´s extending beyond just the coding.Report broken link...
dk flag

Kodning og scripts

DevGuru: VB-script dialogbokse2How to format a message box in vbs...Report broken link...

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